LIIEVE: How Do You Pronounce That?

I'm Lieve Saether (and it’s pronounced Leevah)!

If there's one guiding principle that has shaped my life, it's the belief that what you surround yourself with can profoundly change how you feel. From interior spaces to the clothes you wear, thoughtful design has always been my way of creating environments that bring joy and comfort-both to myself and to those I've worked with.

What’s in a name?

Creating LIIEVE is my way of connecting more deeply with those who want to explore the value of quality over quantity, celebrating our individuality and uniqueness as people. Together, we dive into why thoughtful design matters — whether in your wardrobe or in your home — and how making deliberate choices allows us to express who we truly are.

The founding of this brand isn’t about what is trending or fast fashion — it's a conversation about how intentional design choices can have a lasting impact. These principles guide every project I work on. It’s an embodiment of my belief that true quality goes beyond what meets the eye. I hope that as you follow along, you'll not only feel inspired by the stories and ideas shared but also gain a deeper understanding of why what we choose to surround ourselves with what matters — both in design and in life.


Design Study: The Art of the Classic White Shirt


From Turnstyle to LIIEVE; A New Experience